Triplo Rock – Porque eu adoro ouvir Metallica

Recentemente a Nielsen Music divulgou um relatório com os discos de rock mais vendidos em 2017.
O album Hardwired… To Self-Destruct do Metallica liderou o ranking dos mais vendidos.
Ao todo foram 585.000 cópias vendidas somente nos Estados Unidos, e 1.836.000 em todo o mundo.
Perdendo apenas para a trilha sonora do filme Guardiões da Galáxia.
Grande parte do sucesso de vendas do álbum do Metallica se deve a uma estratégia de marketing da banda.
Na qual na compra de um ingresso para o show, o fã da banda ganhava um CD.



In the name of desperation
In the name of wretched pain
In the name of all creation
Gone insane
We’re so fucked
Shit outta luck
Hardwired to self-destruct
On the way to paranoia
On the crooked borderline
On the way to great destroyer
Doom design
We’re so fucked
Shit outta luck
Hardwired to self-destruct
Once upon a planet burning once upon a flame
Once upon a fear returning all in vain
Do you feel that hope is fading do you comprehend?
Do you feel it terminating in the end
We’re so fucked
Shit outta luck
Hardwired to self-destruct
Hardwired to self-destruct
In the name of desperation
In the name of wretched pain
In the name of all creation
Gone insane
We’re so fucked
Shit outta luck
Hardwired to self-destruct
On the way to paranoia
On the crooked borderline
On the way to great destroyer
Doom design
We’re so fucked
Shit outta luck
Hardwired to self-destruct
Once upon a planet burning once upon a flame
Once upon a fear returning all in vain
Do you feel that hope is fading do you comprehend?
Do you feel it terminating in the end
We’re so fucked
Shit outta luck
Hardwired to self-destruct
Hardwired to self-destruct

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